Module contrib.semseg
Interpret and manipulate semantic segmentation models using SAEs.
You can reproduce our semantic segmentation examples from our preprint by following these instructions.
- Train a linear probe on semantic segmentation task using ADE20K.
- Measure linear probe baseline metrics.
- Manipulate the activations using the proposed SAE features.
- Be amazed. :)
Details can be found below.
Train a Linear Probe on Semantic Segmentation
Train a linear probe on DINOv2 activations from ADE20K. It's fixed with DINOv2 because of patch size, but the code could be extended to different ViTs.
uv run python -m contrib.semseg train \
--sweep contrib/semseg/sweep.toml \
--imgs.root /$NFS/$USER/datasets/ade20k
Measure Linear Probe Baseline Metrics
Check which learning rate/weight decay combination is best for the linear probe.
uv run python -m contrib.semseg validate \
--imgs.root /$NFS/$USER/datasets/ade20k
Then you can look in ./logs/contrib/semseg
for hparam-sweeps.png
to see what learning rate/weight decay combination is best.
Manipulate the Activations
You need an SAE that's been trained on DINOv2's activations on ImageNet. Then you can run both the frontend server and the backend server:
uv run python -m http.server
Then navigate to http://localhost:8000/web/apps/semseg/.
This is a little trickier because the backend server lives on Huggingface spaces and talks to a personal Cloudflare server.
The main entry point is contrib/semseg/
Run uv run python -m contrib.semseg --help
to see all options.
Configs for all the different subscripts in
… contrib.semseg.dashboard
Trains multiple linear probes in parallel on DINOv2's ADE20K activations.
Checks which checkpoints have the best validation loss, mean IoU, class-specific IoU, validation accuracy, and qualitative results …
Propose features for manual verification.